The Scotsman




Lockdown restrictio­ns in Aberdeen are staying in place for another week, although First Minister Nicola Sturgeon says she hopes “lower risk” premises such as non-licensed cafes may open from next Wednesday.

@Oliviag377­17638 said: “I can understand why she is doing this. Coronaviru­s is deadly. Is it worth more people getting ill or spreading it to other health boards if she didn’t give a damn and just eased restrictio­ns?”

@action099 commented: “Anyone who lives in Aberdeen and votes for these people needs their head looked at.”

@Theprofish­ere posted: “How much longer are the people of Aberdeen going to put up with this?”

@Shabun19 said: “How many are Ill? How many in ICU? Clue – it’s zero. The virus has lost potency like all viruses do. History will show Sweden got it right. Aberdeen will not forget this.”

@Neil_mcg replied: “Aberdeen will do what’s its telt!”

@Helymswat commented: “Better to be safe than sorry.

The idiots of Aberdeen only have themselves to blame. Maybe now they’ll think twice.”

@sociallect­urnal responded: “What should I think twice about exactly? I haven’t been near a pub in months. Why am I to blame?”

@7Stirling commented: “Didn’t know that nonlicense­d cafes were on the naughty step! Need to take back my latte and Malteser cake and tell the owner to shut down.”

@Petematthe­ws19 said: “The Aberdeen average weekly prevalence rate is above 20 people per 100,000 people. Rest of Scotland is around six. This had to happen to keep schools open and keep people safe.”

@adb1 posted: “Less ‘wartime spirit’ in the city now. More about resentment and an increasing suspicion that we are being made an example of.”

@davidjross commented: “It’s about time daily job losses were added to the non-existent daily death toll then we’ll see how people start to react.”

@ryan14conn­olly added: “On the bright side I might be able to get a roll ‘n’ sausage next week.”

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