The Scotsman

Top Texel sale to be streamed live


Those wishing to keep abreast of one of the country’s top Texel rams sale next week in Lanark will be able to take advantage of a new service offered by the British Texel breed society.

In what the society claims is a UK first for a pedigree sheep sale, the event will be broadcast live on the internet.

The society’s chief executive John Yates said the broadcast, on the British Texel Sheep Society’s website, is being staged in response to the massive interest in the breed from both pedigree and commercial breeders across the UK and around the world.

Yates said: “Last year we produced a video of the sale highlights which has received more than 8700 views on Youtube.

“Following on from that successful initiative, the society is keen to offer further improved services to members, helping to involve more of our community in our popular flagship show and sale.

“We know there are a lot of breeders both in the UK and further afield who will be unable to attend the event and this will help them keep up to date with all the action from the sale as it happens.

“The broadcast will be produced using a team of three TV production staff, with extra footage also being used for future promotions of the breed.”

He said a new transmissi­on device would be used that multiplexe­s signals across 3G phone lines – “So this is a first in many ways offering greater flexibilit­y”.

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