The Scotsman




The Harry Potter and Strike author has returned an award associated with the US Kennedy family, after being criticised by a member for her views on gender and trans issues.

@ shiftyarro­wfrog wrote:

“I support @ jk_ rowling because she is not just following the herd off the cliff, she is standing up for the rights of women who are being disregarde­d just because some men want to have what they demand & don’t care who suffers because of their selfishnes­s.” @ Pcgonemad1­066 wrote:

“I support @ jk_ rowling because she gave me Harry Potter and doesn’t exclude me or make me less important as a woman.”

@ strickalat­or wrote: “Hmm, I still love Harry Potter and I’m Transgende­r.”

@ Womenreadw­omen tweeted: “This is just to say # Ilovejkrow­ling. She continues to receive abuse for simply stating that women exist and that sex is an important factor in the violence done to women. Her voice gave strength to many of us who have been abused.” @ Randythe Raccoon said: “I will never stand with @ jk_ rowling . Harry Potter is a straight white man, who used his white privilege to excel at Quidditch by gaining access to a Nimbus 2000. He is the embodiment of what’s wrong with society.”


Second World War spy Noor Inayat Khan – codename Madeleine – was honoured. with a blue plaque at her family home in London.”

@ Englishher­ritage explained: “Renowned for her service in the Special Operations Executive, Noor Inayat Khan was the first female radio operator sent into Nazi- occupied France. She was killed at Dachau concentrat­ion camp in 1944, having revealed nothing to her captors, not even her real name.”

@ sandrastor­ytime said: “This is a story that should be taught in schools. A Woman who gave her life to the cause. At last.”

@ dacy_ essex said: “I can’t even begin to imagine the courage needed.”

@ jonathanni­chol4 tweeted: “Very brave lady. They’d only have to show me the pliers & I’d tell them everything.”

@ wavesofple­asure added: “All the key ingredient­s to a movie right here.”

@ andrewrex1­00 replied: “She featured on an episode of Doctor Who last season. It made me read about her amazing achievemen­ts.”

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