The Scotsman

Floyd-style killing ‘could come in UK’


A George Floyd-style killing could happen in Britain, the UK’S first black chief constable has warned, as he said people are not being treated with “due courtesy and respect”.

Michael Fuller, who was chief constable of Kent Police from 2004 to 2010, said there was no evidence to prove that stop and search wa se ffective in controllin­g or reducing crime, pointing out 80 per cent of people stopped were innocent.

He also said there was a perception within black communitie­s the whole community was being profile dbyt he police.

In an interview with a national newspaper, Mr Fuller was questioned about policing in the UK compared with the US. He aid: “We have our problems here, there have been mistakes made and we have had our tragedies.”

Asked if an incident like the killing of Mr Floyd could happen in the UK, he said: “It could happen here. We have had equally appalling incidents.”

Black Lives Matter protests have been held around the world, sparked by the 25 May killing of Mr Floyd – a black man – in the US state of Minnesota.

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