The Scotsman



Leading academics at the University of Edinburgh have written a scathing letter to its principal, condemning the renaming of David Hume Tower, and warning the decision has undermined the institutio­n’s global standing.

I don’t know Hume’s work well enough to make any judgment of his comments on race. He was however a giant of the Enlightenm­ent. There has to be a balance somewhere. So I am with the academics on this one.

David Brown

Hume was a giant of western thought and a major Scottish/ Edinburgh enlightenm­ent figure. To rename the tower is short sighted and makes the university look like it is bowing to temporary fashion.

Peter Lewis

Rename it ‘Snowflake Tower’ or ‘I’m Offended Heights’. I am getting tired of the tail wagging the dog in this country

Andrew Mosley

Based on the foaming at the mouth from people who didn’t know who Hume was until now I’d say there was plenty of delicate snowflakes on both sides.

Mark Milton

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