The Scotsman

Brexit as big a con as a Nigerian prince email


Boris Johnson has effectivel­y said that a catastroph­ic No-Deal Brexit is now inevitable (Scotsman, October 16). This is a man who lied about giving £350 million per week to the NHS, who lied about an “oven ready deal ”. Am an who is incapable of telling the truth. He is now saying to the EU the UK wants unrestrict­ed access to the Single Market without following the rules.

Johnson will now sell his failure as the fault of Johnny Foreigner. This will play well with the Brexit supporters in England. They are so stupid they will support a course of action that is against their economic interests.

Johnson and the Tories will lace their Brexit poison with reactionar­y filth. This will be filled with hate -filled invectives against the EU, refugees, the legal profession, socialists, liberals, the SNP, and the judiciary. The new Tory imperium will be based upon nostalgia for Empire and white supremacy.

Since the imposition of austerity a decade ago; The Tories have created a false narrative based upon media propaganda. They created a façade, a public-facing veneer. The image of a successful financial system that must not be regulated or taxed.

This false self narrative was propped up by a sycophanti­c lackeys in the media. The austerity fetish then moved into Brexit. The hard-right of the Tories were able to deflect anger at eviscerate­d living standards away from the bankers on to refugees and the EU.

The creation and mainte-nance of this façade has been fuel led by a pathologic­al hubris on behalf of the Tories. Now the turbo-charged assault on the welfare state and hard-won rights is coming in the guise of "getting Brexit done". All cheered by clueless rubes waving the Union flag.

As well as this bonfire of rights; many Tory donors stand to make a fortune from Brexit. This based on shortselli­ng. They will make money from everyone else' se conomic misery.

Many of these super-rich B rex it backing billion aires have left the UK to avoid tax. All while claiming bail out money from the taxpayer to prop up their Covid-19 hit businesses.

Quite simply Brexit is a con. It' s like as came mail from Nigeria. It's as worthless as a "degree" from Trump University. Its simply away for ths greedy to get even more. The chaos will be devastatin­g.

Especially with a clown like Boris Johnson in charge.

ALAN HINNRICHS Gillespie Terrace, Dundee

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