The Scotsman

Schools debate


Schools may need to close again as part of any future tiered approach to coronaviru­s lockdown in Scotland, the country's biggest teaching union, has said. The Educationa­l Institute of Scotland is now calling for clarity from ministers about the "triggers" which would bring about the shutdown of schools.

The principal function of school is to educate, jt is not a child minding service. Money should be channelled into a good quality home school schedule for a month so we can close everything down to finally get a grip on the virus

Alasdair Hunter

We should be doing all we can to protect vulnerable pupils, parents and school staff but another long period out of school will be extremely damaging to pupils’ mental health and be extra stressful for working parents.

Jim Thorburn

Let’s keep this down until we get a vaccine and then get on with life unrestrict­ed .Most of the concern from parents is over free childcare rather than education.

John Milne

The childcare that means they earn a living and have money for food and mortgages.

Stewart Kirkwood

Our kids have had to put up with a lot over the last few months including not been able to go out and play with their friends or see their families. It's easy for someone to sit in an office and say let's close the schools and do home learning again but I for one cannot go back to that. My house is a safe space for my kids, not for them to sit and do school work and me to be on their backs about it. I have three boys, two are at high school the other is in P7. Is the government going to provide me with enough money to purchase three laptops?

Elaine Rafferty

Anyone want to show some concern for the ex-shielded school staff ? Seems like we really don’t matter as long as the schools stay open regardless of risk to us.

Sarah Weathersto­n

Schools should be closed after closing of all other things, apart from supermarke­ts, surgeries and other very important stores. Schools are so important places for our kids, they can meet friends in a safe environmen­t and they can build up their future by learning. Let's fight for open schools amid this horrible pandemic.

Heike Drbraun

Shut the schools and we just ruin a whole generation’s education. Parents can't work either which means more jobless, which means worsening general outcomes in people’s lives. This is hardly a sustainabl­e policy for long-term health and prosperity.

Eric Hanna

Schools are not main driving force of the infection. Kids need to be allowed to get their education.

Nina Dobrovinsk­aya

Children need to keep the learning ethos and momentum. There is not a single year at primary or secondary level that is less important or that can be dispensed with without having some effect on future educationa­l success and life choices.

Alan Hedges

How about the government get test and trace working, then everything can stay open.

Gillian Stevenson

My kids' school has had no cases since they started back in August. My kids haven't even had a cold. I don't think schools are the problem here.

Stephanie Ng

The scaremonge­ring is out just in time for Halloween.

Kirsty Bogue

They won't do this again it will massively impact on the economy

Miranda Bailey The current restrictio­ns clearly aren’t working.

Kirstie Ogilvie

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