The Scotsman

Probe into winter risk to care home residents


A Scottish Government probe is to examine whether care homes which escaped the first wave of Covid-19 this year face a greater risk over the winter.

Care home staff and l o c a l oversight teams will be interviewe­d as part of the work of a new review group.

I t h a s b ee n s e t u p to e va l - u a t e l o c a l ex p e r i e n c e s a n d r e s p o n s e s t o "wave t wo" o f Covid outbreaks in care homes in Scotland.

The probe comes after five d e a t h s w e r e r e c o r d e d a t Charnwood Lodge Care Home in Dumfries.

A n o t h e r r e c e n t o u t b r e a k at the Redmill Care Home in East Whitburn, West Lothian, resulted in the deaths of 11 residents.

The terms of reference for the review group states it will look into the second wave in care homes and will consider the "characteri­stics and risk f a c t o r s " o f o u t b r e a k s t h e r e based on the experience­s of the first half of the year.

"This approach will ensure appropriat­e clinical and oper

ational guidance can be pre - pared for the sector."

The review, which will look at the situation from August onwards, will also "explore the hypothesis that care homes that were not affected by Covid to June 2020 are more at risk this winter”.

It will also look at contributo­ry factors, wider lessons and emerging national and internatio­nal evidence.

Recommenda­tions will be made to inform future practice and local arrangemen­ts during the second wave of the pandemic.

The number of Covid deaths i n c a r e h o me s i n S c o t l a n d peaked at 343 weekly deaths at the start of May.

 ??  ?? 0 Eleven residents died from Covid at Redmill Care Home
0 Eleven residents died from Covid at Redmill Care Home

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