The Scotsman




The Labour MP has been censured in the Commons chamber for apparently calling Conservati­ve MP Christophe­r Clarkson “scum”.

@itcorbyn wrote: “Can you supply evidence that he isn't scum@”

@cheekyblin­der replied: “Can you grow up? And go play with your crayons somewhere else?”

@bobsta2spa wrote: “It’s the left default setting, sadly. Blair was good because he had godliness in sight as a Christian, which snuffs out hate and bitterness. God blessed him with three terms.”

@voxpersona­l wrote: “Lying in Parliament is fine but telling the absolute truth is not. This is where we are.”

@largeal69 tweeted: “She shouldn't have said it but… Given what her and fellow female MPS have been called in the past from the benches opposite, 'scum' is mild.”

@Madge wrote: “That's almost polite compared to what Tories shouted at Corbyn in the Chamber.”

@Jesshamble­y wrote: “Hey, @Angelarayn­er you deserve a pay rise, a bottle of wine and some chocolate/flowers for that comment! Well done! 100% correct. I can think of many worse things I could

have said myself.”


The Pope surprised many by calling for civil unions for same sex couples.

@zackwheat tweeted: “The Pope is bent on destroying Catholicis­m from within.”

@stockchicn­yc said: “God loves everyone, straight, gay, asexual etc. It is Man that forbids it.”

@soggycrout­on wrote: “He’s not perfect, but he’s the most Christlike pope in recent memory. And it is hysterical to watch all the ‘Christians’ out there freak out about his focus on poverty and the environmen­t.”

@bikike1313 asked: “How about female priests? How about married priests? Long overdue.”

@johnplacet­te said: “A Pope cannot arbitraril­y change a doctrine. In this case, he is speaking only his personal opinion. He could speak ‘Ex Cathedra’ (from the Chair of St. Peter) but it would have to be in continuity with previous teachings and dogma. This is not.”

@Bishesbrew tweeted: “Y'all need to leave people alone to make their own choices about who they can marry.”

@Vuwakwe cried: “The pope CANNOT change God's commandmen­t. The word of God condemns same-sex union.”

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