The Scotsman

Case for postponing votes gets stronger

The First Minister disagrees, but with infection rates spiralling a delay looks more likely, says


Only news junkies and political anoraks will have more than a passing knowledge of Liam Byrne, the former Chief Secretary to the Treasury, who owes most of his fame to the note he left his successor when Labour lost the 2010 General Election, saying “I’m afraid there is no money".

Mr Byrne is now Labour’s challenger to Andy Street, the Conservati­ve West Midlands Mayor who is up for re- election on May 6, along with England’s other elected mayors, thousands of English councillor­s and, in case you need reminding, Scotland’s 129 MSPS.

In response to Prime Minister Boris Johnson indicating the Covid lockdown could force the postponeme­nt of the elections in England, Mr Byrne insisted they should proceed, saying, “Britain is a democracy. Democracie­s have elections. Democracie­s don't have elections that get delayed."

In that case, Scotland’s democracy must be in some doubt because elections do indeed get delayed here, and not just once. Again, only political anoraks will recall the Scottish Parliament was establishe­d with four- year terms, but the election scheduled for May 2015 was postponed for a year by a Parliament­ary Order in Holyrood, because of a clash with the 2015 General Election which couldn’t be moved because of the 2011 Fixed Term Parliament­s Act. It was supposed to ensure Westminste­r administra­tions ran for the full five years and a second delaying order had to be passed to avoid another clash in 2020, which as we all know didn’t happen. After two General Elections in the four years after 2015, the FTP Act is to be repealed.

Elections in the UK do get delayed, and it’s looking increasing­ly likely with the infection rate now spiralling that the Holyrood poll will, but after last week’s column mused about postponeme­nt, on Tuesday First Minister Nicola Sturgeon told BBC Scotland of her determinat­ion to proceed. “I see no reason at this stage why the election would not go ahead," she said. With a huge lead in the polls that’s not surprising, as one anonymous MSP told the Times this week, “As things stand we are on course to win a landslide. Why would you give that up?”

Why indeed, but with 100 per cent postal voting now impractica­l, it’s hard to square ever- tightening restrictio­ns and carrying on with a national election which draws thousands of people out their homes to fixed enclosed points.

By Thursday, less than a week into the new lockdown and with cases and fatalities rising, Ms Sturgeon was talking about even tougher controls and the possibilit­y of another constructi­on shutdown and a ban on click- and- collect services.

Of course, if you think you’re going to win hands- down then why worry if campaignin­g is restricted to social media, telephone canvassing and a couple of TV head- to- heads, but the timetable for an independen­ce referendum this year, however unrealisti­c, hinges entirely on a May election, which, according to newly released minutes of a November meeting between SNP Constituti­on Secretary Mike Russell and the Australian High Commission­er, is what they want.

But they also know from polls that while the public might marginally favour independen­ce in principle at the moment, there is relatively little appetite for a referendum right now. And as the Prime Minister has repeatedly rejected giving the order to allow one, perhaps SNP high command presumes a landslide election win and continued refusal from Downing Street will make it a priority. Otherwise why force the issue?

But here are other considerat­ions: Firstly, as the sky has not fallen in following the end of Brexit transition and supermarke­ts do not resemble shops in Zimbabwe, the “dragged out of Europe against our will” line might itself have limited shelf- life.

Losing European identity might be a big deal for university lecturers bemoaning the end of Erasmus exchanges, but with foreign travel likely to be off the agenda this summer the majority will feel minimal direct impact.

The last thing the SNP will want is for the reality to sink in that leaving the customs union and single market creates big land border problems – Northern Irish supermarke­ts are already having supply difficulti­es from the mainland because of the Irish Sea border that wasn’t supposed to be – and there’s more chance of an independen­t Scotland, with a huge deficit and reliant on the pound, having to settle for a Norway- style arrangemen­t; not in the EU and not in the UK. And not very attractive to anyone but nationalis­t Scandophil­es.

Secondly, research on referenda indicates major change is more likely to gain support when the mood is one of optimism, and although the UK economy will still be shattered come autumn, if the mass vaccinatio­n programme goes according to plan then the zeitgeist will be of relief and of moving into a new era and could be fertile ground for inevitable promises of the Earth as reward for boldness and courage. Wait too long and the moment could pass.

Thirdly, there seems to be some momentum behind the concept of a federal UK, with the likes of Theresa May’s former adviser Nick Timothy piling in this week after Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer unveiled his constituti­on commission. It changes nothing for the SNP, but the longer something else is possible, the more waverers might think twice about taking the plunge.

But since last week the internal heat on Ms Sturgeon has also begun to rise, with a new article by Kenny Macaskill MP in the Scottish Left Review openly calling for the removal of Ms Sturgeon’s husband Peter Murrell as SNP chief executive and criticisin­g the referendum preparatio­n.

As this column argued last week, postponeme­nt could buy the First Minister time to sort out these troublesbu­t no election rules out Indyref2 this year. Isn't that what the majority want?

0 Nicola Sturgeon says Scottish Parliament election should go ahead

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