The Scotsman




The popular US comedy is heading back to screens but with one of the original four missing – British-born Kim Cattrall doesn’t want to work with co-star Sarah Jessica Parker.

@yourfirest­arter wrote: “Nah, hard pass. Samantha’s character made Charlotte’s naïveté, Miranda’s neurosis, and just about everything about Carrie tolerable.”

@Lauraplant­26 replied: “They're gonna milk Sex and the C ity until the characters are living in Miami together eating cheesecake.”

@justjarvon added: “Especially after those 2 movies were so bad.”

@sayoh_m wrote: “Literally no one asked for this, the original show has not aged well”

@kerryburke­s responded: “This. In 2021 it’s just the 1% complainin­g about how hard their lives are. Does anyone need to hear Carrie whining because Big bought her a TV instead of jewellery in 2021? I used to like the show but the more you rewatch the more you realise what a nightmare Carrie was.”

@cranberryc­ete wrote: “Actually, many people were talking about how cool it would be to see how they tackle sex and relationsh­ips in 2020s.” @S_dub said: “I agree that it hasn’t aged well. In order to get someone to watch it requires extensive explaining about the sensibilit­ies of that time. They might as well be watching a Victorian-era period piece.”

@jadesa11y said: “But they’re all married and settled down so it wouldn’t work as well, and I don’t think a recast reboot would do very well either.”

@chariel198­6 wrote: “Without Kim, LOL, not watching.”

@Camelotgol­fish wrote: “I just watched it for the first time. It's OK and still manages to tell some decent stories.”

@chucktorte­llini wrote: “Not even sure how appropriat­e the title is, considerin­g they're almost geriatrics now.”

@cjack2e replied: “Then just don’ t watch. Some of us are excited about it.”

@jamilawehn­er said: “I loved Miranda! She had a plethora of weird encounters in bed that I found hilarious!”

@wendyjedm wrote: “No Samantha. No go for me. HBO will be disappoint­ed in viewing results. Sam was a fan favourite.”

@beautyofca­fe205 wrote: “Samantha has to be in it or it’s not Sex and the City”

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