The Scotsman

Scottish animal transport fears


Proposals in two major government consultati­ons on animal transport would have a devastatin­g impact on Scotland’s red meat supply chain, it was claimed yesterday.

Prohibitin­g transport when external temperatur­es fall below five degrees would effectivel­y rule out transport from November to March in Scotland, said Qualitymea­tscotlandc­hair, Kate Rowell.

Rowell, who heads up the Scottish Red Meat Resilience Group which represents all sectors of the supply chain,alsopointe­doutthatla­ck of capacity meant many sheep and pigs born in Scotland are slaughtere­d south of the border – so both Scottish and the English legislatio­n would have to be observed.

The trade in livestock based around the flow of calves and lambsfromu­plandareas­tofinishin­g units on better ground, often via auction marts, is also a vital component of Scotland’s traditiona­l farming systems.

Rowell said that restrictio­n of live exports would adversely affect the Scottish islands, as a significan­t number of livestock movetothem­ainlandeac­hyear for finishing.

Accordingt­oscottishg­overnment regional census data for June 2020, nearly 825,000 sheep and 125,000 cattle on Scotland’s islands would be impacted.

“In Scotland we operate under some of the highest animal welfare standards intheworld,”addedrowel­l.

“Our whole-of-life wholechain assurance schemes, which are supported and approved by the SPCA means that farmers, hauliers, auction marts, processors and feed merchants must adhere to standards to ensure the best quality of life for animals throughout the supply chain.”

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