The Scotsman



Scotland midfielder Billy Gilmour will miss todya’s crucial Croatia Euros game after testing positive for Covid-19.

@johnmcnall­yavon wrote: “So surely everyone, including the England players who have been in contact with him, must self isolate. Track and trace and all that. Will the tournament be in doubt now?”

@aidan_porter replied: “The England players couldn’t get close enough to him to catch it.”

@lewisjames­brown added: “No, they will be extensivel­y tested and remain in their bubbles. This is how elite sport has worked for months on the exemption list. The Premier League games did not stop unless there were big outbreaks that could not be contained with individual isolation.”

@fatwhitebl­oke said: “So much for all the promised testing/isolating when clearly players have contact outside their bubbles with friends, family, hospitalit­y and support staff. Looking around, in any other workplaces his 'bubble' would all now be isolating and his contacts being traced."

@Richiettig­er wrote: “You have to be in close contact for 15 mins. Most players on an open-air pitch only spend a few seconds near other players. Both squads did undergo tests and came back negative for Covid, they will keep testing each day.”

@Longgone tweeted: “They were all tested after the match. The only people who will have to isolate are the ones who gave a positive test and those who have come into contact since the test was taken.”

@smiggom said: “He’s surely been around everyone... touched things others have touched. I just don’t get this virus.”

@Stevie_mcewan replied: “False positive is most likely but the protocols means he isolates. There should be an automatic re-confirmato­ry test in situations like these. Happened to my wife. Positive one day in Portugal, so we couldn't fly out of there, next day negative to fly out of Spain.”

@welsh_shaun added: “When you've had a cold in the past, has every single person you've come into contact with gone on to get a cold? Don't forget, the R number is somewhere between 1 and 2, so statistica­lly he may have given it to 1 or 2 others, but unlikely the whole team.”

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