The Scotsman

Labour’s ‘timetable for ambition’ tackles education reform


Scottish Labour has put forward a “timetable for ambition” in response to a report by the OECD that sparked pledges of sweeping reforms to Scotland’s education system.

Labour has said the OECD report amounts to a damning critique of the reforms championed by the Scottish Government and has called on all parties to support its proposal and demands for immediate action.

The report, published on Monday, found Scott ish teachers spend too much time in the classroom, while there is a “misalignme­nt between Cfe’s [Curriculum for Excellence] aspiration­s and the qualificat­ion system” in the senior phase of secondary education in Scotland.

It also called for a better balance between breadth and depth of learning throughout CFE, for the government to overhaul the existing exams and assessment system, and for the developmen­t of a “systematic approach” to the review of the curriculum.

The party’s timetable for the implementa­tion of the OECD’S proposals includes an immediate negotiatio­n on a new deal for teachers, the establishm­ent of an independen­t Inspectora­te by the end of the week and the creation of an interim body forassessm­entandcurr­iculum by mid-next month, while consultati­on on a new permanent body takes place.

The timetable also states the chairs of the new inspectora­te and permanent assessment and curriculum bodies should be parliament­ary appointmen­ts.

In Holyrood yesterday, education secretary Shirley-anne Somerville was questioned on whether she would consider reforming “senior phase” exams to include more coursework and other methods of assessment­s rather than formal exams.

MSP Fiona Hyslop said that a call from Glasgow council’s director of education Maureen Mckenna for a “big debate” in whether teachers’ continuous assessment­s should play a bigger role in final grades.

Ms Somerville said that no decisions had been taken yet and she would await the publicatio­n of a second report by the OECD in August.

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