The Scotsman

Laura Waddell:

Billionair­es’ space race is grotesque

- writes Laura Waddell

It’s easy to romanticis­e the original Space Race. So many moments captured the public’s imaginatio­n, memorialis­ed since (at least, for those of us not around at the time) in endless pop culture tributes, a lot of which tend to go heavy on the sense of wonder

If one image could sum up the general tone of how TV and film depicts this era of astral activity, it would probably be that of a neat family unit, sitting in front of their TV, marvelling at pictures of rockets launching and men on the Moon. Cap off the scene with a close up of Little Johnny’s awestruck face, planets reflected in his eyes.

Elsewhere, bar patrons cheer, printing presses go like the clappers to get out historic front covers.

But for all there is to enjoy about that (imagine watching someone walk on the Moon for the first time! Literally, an out-of-thisworld sight!) the politics around it were really quite grim.

The Space Race emerged from the rush to build ever more devastatin­g weapons, two nations goading one another with the most aggressive phallic symbols they could construct with which to hold a threat over the other’s civilians.

The remarkable scientific advancemen­ts of the time were made in the context of two world powers sparring over whose rocket was bigger and could blast off more powerfully, empire-building among the stars. An interestin­g time.

In comparison, the billionair­e space race of the 21st century is incredibly dull. Who cares about Richard Branson, Elon Musk, or Jeff Bezos, some of the world’s richest men, duking it out to propel themselves off this Earth in ever wilder, more attention-grabbing ways?

I would say let all commercial visitors to space stay out there, but we shouldn’t add to the existing problem of space pollution. Trash in space is the most depressing evidence for how poorly humans treat every environmen­t we have access to.

Gushing news stories about the latest big-money private space mission have nothing to do with scientific exploratio­n and everything to do with money. Great, grotesque globs of it in unthinkabl­e quantities.

Workers in Earth’s factories might be scared to take toilet breaks for fear of rebuke, but hey, the billionair­es are going galactic. Not only is this world already a plaything for the astronomic­ally wealthy, but now so is the great beyond.

There are no limits: to how far they can go, to how hard they can play, or to how much money an individual wealthy man might amass.

That’s why this particular display so turns my stomach. Never before have we been so privy to the eccentrici­ties of cash-flashing billionair­es and those who emulate their lifestyles on social media. That’s quaint in comparison.

But space, that huge, beautiful, frightenin­g, still largely unknown place! How grotesque to see billionair­es safari through it.

Shouldn’t pushing the limits of space exploratio­n be more democratic, more scientific, more beautiful and more purposeful than rich men gallumphin­g through the galaxy, those left behind on Earth toiling away to make them richer?

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