The Scotsman

Inside Health

Speak to your kids about avoiding accidental injury, says Dr Graeme Eunson

- Dr Graeme Eunson, is chair of the BMA’S Scottish consultant­s committee and consultant paediatric­ian in Borders General Hospital

Summertime, particular­ly during the school holidays, is a peak period for injuries such as fractures and sprains among children.

It’s to be expected: they’re outdoors more often, playing on trampoline­s, riding their bikes; in general running around having fun the way you expect children to do when the sun is shining and they’re off school.

Now, more than ever, it’s vitally important that our youngsters avoid unnecessar­y trips to A&E.

Of course, it’s easier said than done when many parents and carers are trying to juggle working from home with childcare, but even just a reminder to kids to be careful and take it easy could result in them being less likely to suffer injury.

It’s no secret our NHS is under great pressure as it tries to cope with the ongoing pandemic, while also desperatel­y trying to tackle the backlog of patients whose appointmen­ts or treatments were put on hold last year. Fewer everyday injuries among children will mean less strain on hospitals during this particular­ly challengin­g time.

As a paediatric consultant and parent myself, I know what I’m asking is tricky – it’s not easy to keep an eye on your children 24/7 and it’s certainly not easy trying to explain yourself over and over when they ask you for the umpteenth time why you’re telling them to take it easy.

And of course it’s not just the kids who need to slow down – as road users we all have a responsibi­lity to slow down in town and make our streets a safer place.

Running around is a part of life for kids, and the advice to get outside and exercise – not to mention take advantage of the vitamin D boost we’re getting from all this sunshine – is something I’m entirely on board with.

But if we could just try, all of us, to keep an extra eye on our kids and prevent them from undertakin­g more risky endeavours, such as trying to jump higher than they ever have before on their trampoline, climbing on frames three times their height, or scaling high trees, it would make a big difference.

By being a little more vigilant, we’ll help our kids on two levels: firstly, they’re less likely to suffer injury, and secondly, if they are injured, they’ll be more likely to receive appropriat­e treatment in a much more timely manner if everybody is being that extra bit more careful.

This is particular­ly important for people who are staycation­ing across Scotland right now, with many heading off to rural areas with much smaller hospitals and subsequent­ly fewer staff and resources to cope with an onslaught of potential injuries and ailments.

Anything we can do to help reduce the pressure on the NHS will go a long way to getting us out of the situation we find ourselves in. I understand there are still going to be injuries of course, we’re not going to avoid it completely, but we are in choppy waters and I want to ensure that children get the absolute best care possible.

Everyone can do their bit. Enjoy the summer as much as you can – and while I’ve got your attention, please remember sun safety!

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