The Scotsman

Breathe again hyhyyh


Scots tennis star Andy Murray has been reunited with his wedding ring and tennis shoes after a social media appeal.

I thought that was a disgrace to be on the news.

Margaret Graham Couldn't agree more, what a waste of newsprint.

Robert Kennedy It was amusing and the kind of thing that happens to us too!

Fiona Shiell

So happy to hear this because it means there must be absolutely nothing of any significan­ce happening anywhere in the world at all.

Rich Tee

Job vacancies in Scotland are close to an all-time high but the availabili­ty of suitable candidates has “plummeted”, a new report suggests.

I've needed to change career path due to health reasons and volunteere­d since in goodness knows how many positions. Still not enough.

What do they expect? If they want suitable candidates to always be coming to them with all the knowledge and experience they should be prepared to take on some without all the previous experience. Make employees do their bit for the economy.

Valerie Christine Unfortunat­ely you are finding out first hand that many employers don’t invest in their staff. They see it as a cost and one that should be paid by the government or other employers. This attitude is a key factor in why the UK is a low- skill, low productivi­ty and low wage economy.

Graham Senior So why are so many unemployed? Is the Scottish education system not equipping people with skills or are some totally bone idle and so accustomed to Sturgeon’s something for nothing culture they feel they don’t have to work!

Guy Mitchell

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