The Scotsman

Comedian Janey Godley in hospital with ovarian cancer


Comedian Janey Godley has revealed that she has ovarian cancer.

Godley shared the news on social media, tweeting a picture of herself in a hospital bed.

She tweeted: “Sorry but my last weekend of the tour can’t go ahead in Edinburgh and Musselburg­h as I am in hospital with ovarian cancer – look after each other. #Mentalheal­thmatters”

The 60-year-old Glasweigan said she has “done nothing but cry and cry and cry” over the last day but pledged to use science and technology to cope on the next stage of the journey.

Thousands of people have responded to the original tweet sending best wishes.

Godley was due to appear at the Festival Theatre in Edinburgho­nfridayand­thebrunton in Musselburg­h today.

In a video message posted

on Twitter she said: “I’m really sorry I can’t make the Musselburg­h and Edinburgh shows this weekend, it’s the very last dates of the tour and the tour has been so brilliant and so very well attended and successful but unfortunat­ely I was doing the tour while I unbeknowns­t to me had ovarian cancer.

“I had it checked out yesterday, that’s what I’m doing in this very beautiful but very stormy corner room in hospital in Glasgow.”

She added: “Onto the next step of my journey and what is that journey? I don’t know if I’m going to be one of these people who battle bravely, who fight every step, I don’t know.

“That doesn’t feel how I’ve been the last day, I’ve done nothing but cry and cry and cry but I’m going to use science, I’m going to use technology and I’m going to try and cope with this next step on the journey.”

Sheurgedan­yonewithsy­mptoms to get them checked out and thanked the NHS for being “unbelievab­ly brilliant.”

The comedian found viral fame with her dubbed pastiches of Scotland First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s coronaviru­s news briefings during the pandemic, which quickly led to the catchphras­e “Frank Get The Door”.

She featured in Scottish Government coronaviru­s adverts but they were pulled after offensive tweets by her came to light following an investigat­ion by the Daily Beast website.

 ?? ?? Janey Godley is in hospital
Janey Godley is in hospital

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