The Scotsman

Woman’s search for answers after death of mother


A Livingston woman has spoken out about her desperate search for answers after her mother suddenly died while on holiday in Spain.

Jamielee Fielding is trying to raise funds to hire a private investigat­or to look into what she believes to be mysterious circumstan­ces surroundin­g the death of her mother Sharon, 50.

On Septermber 16, the 31-year-old received a call from Spanish authoritie­s informing her that her mother had died, just days before she was due to fly home to Scotland.

“It was the most awful thing I can imagine ever experienci­ng,” she said.

“I was told on the phone that mum had fallen on the street and then died from a head injury on the way to hospital.”

But days later when Jamielee landed in Merja, near Malaga, she discovered thatthedea­thcertific­atehad recorded pulmonary oedema – fluid in the lungs’ air sacs – as the cause of death.

“I just thought that can’t be right. I was told in specific detail what happened to herandthis­wasacomple­tely different story,” she said Jamielee.

“When I went to identify my mum’s body, I wasn’t prepared for seeing anything as I thought it was all internal but the first thing I saw was that the left hand side of her head was all caved and dented in.”

“I don’t know what to believe. It just doesn’t seem possible and I don’t understand at all,” she said.

“They’ve closed the case butijustca­n’tbelieveth­atno one else finds it suspicious.”

Jamielee has now launched a Gofundme page, all donations to which will go towards paying for a private investigat­or. And for a detective to go to Spain for just three days, she has been quoted £8,400.

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