The Scotsman

Your life in the stars

- Patrick Arundell

Aries 21 Mar - 20 Apr

This week you’ll be eager for new adventures, ready to travel and keen to explore. Mind, edgy lunar ties midweek can cause irritabili­ty.

Taurus 21Apr-20may

The coming weeks are an opportunit­y to let go of whatever no longer serves and find closure on issues that have held you back.

Gemini 21May-20jun

After an intense time life looks brighter, and you’ll relish the chance to expand your horizons by

linking up with old friends and new.

Cancer 21Jun-22jul

Daily exercise might assist you with channellin­g any pent-up energies. In fact, you may want to make this an ongoing habit.

Leo 23 Jul - 22 Aug

Don’t let doubts stop you. You were born to shine and the coming weeks are a great opportunit­y to dazzle everyone.

Virgo 23 Aug - 21 Sep

The next few weeks look set to be enjoyable, but might also find you ready to initiate new ideas and plans that could lead to an expansion.

Libra 22Sep-22oct

You may be outspoken in communicat­ion matters. This can clear the air but also rock the boat, so pause before you get into your stride.

Scorpio 23 Oct - 21 Nov

With the festive season already on the go, you’ll benefit by creating a budget that can help you stay in control while still enjoying life.

Sagittariu­s 22Nov-21dec

Your focus this week might be on discoverin­g new opportunit­ies and relishing the chance to take big strides forward.

Capricorn 22Dec-20jan

The coming weeks are a chance to finish things that have been hanging over you and to find closure on lingering issues.

Aquarius 21 Jan - 18 Feb

You’ll be driven when it comes to goals, and this can dominate for a few weeks yet, so finding a balance between work and play is key.

Pisces 19Feb-20mar

Wondering about a problem? Rather than waste time, ask someone who knows. It can make life so much easier. And it’s time to aim high.

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