The Scotsman

Price of alcohol


A group of charities and experts are calling on the Scottish Government to increase the minimum unit price of alcohol from 50p to 65p.

Tosh. Rich drinkers won't give a toss over a few extra quid. Those with a dependency will just make further sacrifices and the majority face yet another effective tax.

Scott Reid Oh sure, only poor people who can be priced out by 15p per unit have alcoholism problems.

Chris Poon Children will suffer in poorer families as alcohol will come first.

Janice Wilson Deighan Garbage! I see more ill health through obesity. People are now wobbling along as they used to be in the US when I first went there in the 1970s. The amount of illnesses caused by obesity far outweighs those due to alcohol abuse. Not only does it cause heart disease but diabetes, amputation, impotence, the cost to the health service, loss of employment opportunit­ies and the loss of loved ones. So what do the “experts” do about it Bring in rationing or put up the cost of food?

Ian Maclachlan If you raise the price all that happens is that people cut back on something else.

Scott Wallace What do they think will happen? Alcoholics will see the increase and suddenly re-evaluate their live choices? No, these people are addicts and if the price goes up, you'll find that crime will too.

Tom King it hasn't worked so far so why would it work this time? The definition of madness is repeating the same action and expecting a different outcome.

Lilian Wells

A litre bottle of Gordon's Gin in Asda in Scotland is at present £18.75 per bottle. If the minimum unit price is raised to 65p, that same bottle would cost £25.31. At the moment the same bottle in Asda in England is £16.

Anna Mosspaul Are these so called experts teetotal? If a person has an addiction to alcohol or drugs, they will find the money no matter what,. All this does is penalise normal drinkers who occasional­ly have a drink and are not dependent on it.

Philip Richard Allen It won’t make one bit of difference – us Scots love the bevvy.

Tom Hamilton

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