The Scotsman

Downing Street refuses to put timescale on potential use of Article 16 as Brexit Northern Ireland Protocol row continues


The UK is still prepared to consider tearing up elements of Northern Ireland's Brexit deal, Downing Street said, despite a Cabinet minister insisting the option would not be used before Christmas.

Number 10 said there was no timetable for whether or not it would unilateral­ly use the powers under Article 16 of the Northern Ireland Protocol if changes to the deal cannot be agreed with Brussels.

The comments amount to a rejection of Internatio­nal Trade Secretary Anne-marie Trevelyan's claim that the step would not be taken before Christmas.

The UK has repeatedly said the difficulti­es caused by the operation of the protocol meant that use of Article 16 would be justified as a safeguard.

"Our preference remains to agree a negotiated solution if we can," the spokesman said.

"Of course, we will use Article 16, the safety mechanism, if solutions can't be found."

Asked whether theuk would be willing to use it before Christmas, the spokesman added: "I'm not going to put a timetable on it.

"We continue to believe that the conditions for triggering that safety mechanism of Article 16 have been met, that remains the Government position but we will continue to look for a consensual negotiated solution."

In a newspaper interview, Internatio­nal Trade Secretary Ms Trevelyan said: "I don't think anyone's calling Article 16 before Christmas, absolutely not."

Last week her Cabinet colleague, Michael Gove, said that "while, of course, it's always possible that Article 16 may require to be invoked, we're confident that we'll be able to make progress without it".

The Prime Minister's spokesman said: "Ministers are able to give their assessment of the current situation but Cabinet is united on our approach to this."

There was a "set process" for the negotiatio­ns involving Brexit minister Lord Frost and European Commission vicepresid­ent Maros Sefcovic, he added.

Last night, Lord Frost reiterated a warning that the UK would achieve free trade within its borders "one way or the other".

 ?? ?? ↑ Anne-marie Trevelyan: ‘No Article 16 step before Christmas’
↑ Anne-marie Trevelyan: ‘No Article 16 step before Christmas’

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