The Scotsman

Cancer waiting times reach worst on record as system ‘fails to cope’


Cancer waiting times have reached the worst level on record according to one measuremen­t, as Macmillan Cancer Support warned the system is “failing to cope”.

Only 79 per cent of patients referred for urgent suspicion of cancer were treated within 62 days in the last quarter of 2021, the lowest percentage since records began in 2006 and a drop of four percentage points on the previous quarter.

The Scottish Government target, which has never been hit, is for 95 per cent of eligible patients to be seen in this time.

Scottish Labour accused the Scottish Government of “dangerous negligence” for letting performanc­e drop so far, while the Scottish Conservati­ves said lives are at risk.

Another target, for 95 per cent of patients to wait no more than 31 days for treatment after the decision is taken to treat them, was hit, at 97

per cent. No health boards met the 62-day target, while NHS Grampian and NHS Highland failed to meet the 31-day standard.

Macmillan Cancer Support said the figures show that “a cancer care system that was struggling even before the pandemic began is now failing to cope with a rise in demand, despite how hard profession­als are working.”

Janice Preston, Head of Partnershi­ps for Macmillan Cancer Support in Scotland, said: “Early diagnosis and timely treatment provides the best possible outcomes for people with cancer. These latest figures show that these two things are not in place.”

Labour health spokespers­on Jackie Baillie warned of a “ticking timebomb” on cancer. “Scottish Labour have long warned that there is a cancer timebomb threatenin­g to wreak havoc with services and cost lives, and now this is starting to hit,” she said.

Scottish Conservati­ve health spokespers­on Sandesh Gulhane said: “More and more patients are facing devastatin­g delays which are harming their chances of survival.”

The Scottish Liberal Democrats called on the government to “get a grip” on cancer care.

A Scottish Government spokespers­on said £10 million of additional funding was directed to support cancer waiting time improvemen­ts in NHS Scotland across 2021/22, with a further £10 million for 2022/23.

 ?? ?? 0 Waiting times for cancer treatment are worst on record
0 Waiting times for cancer treatment are worst on record

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