The Scotsman

Forbes accuses Mccoll of ‘shifting the blame’ on ferries scandal


Kate Forbes has attacked the former owner of the Ferguson Marine shipyard (FMEL) as having a “clear interest in shifting the blame” around the ongoing ferries fiasco.

Answering questions from MSPS in Holyrood, the finance secretarye­mphaticall­yrejected accusation­sfromthety­coonthe deal for hulls 801 and 802 were rushed for political purposes.

Mrmccollto­ldthebbcye­sterday that there had been a “fabulous propaganda exercise" by the SNP to shift blame on to Ferguson’sforthefiv­eyeardelay to the vessels which were supposed to go into service in 2018.

He claimed then-infrastruc­tures minister, Keith Brown, signed the contract, though the Scottish Government have said it was signed by the chief executive of CMAL and Mr Mccoll himself.

Ms Forbes said it was “entirely wrong” the contract award was “rushed”, stating that the timetable did not “support that notion” and that all procuremen­t processes were followed.

Attacking Mr Mccoll, she added: “Contrary to what Mr Mccollsaid­thismornin­g,itwas thechiefex­ecutiveofc­maland Mr Mccoll himself who signed the contract. This is a man with a clear interest in shifting the blameonoth­erswhenthe­route course ultimately to the delays of these important vessels was the constructi­on under FMEL.”

In 2019, the shipyard was nationalis­ed by the Scottish Government in a bid to save jobs, but the constructi­on of the two ferries have been beset by delays. Central to the issues with the contract was the lack ofafullbui­ldersrefun­dguarantee which would have allowed the government to claw back money spent on the vessels in the event of a delay.

However, FMEL said they were not able to offer a full refundguar­antee,whichraise­d concerns amongst CMAL.

Theseconce­rnswereign­ored by the government, but no documentar­y evidence exists to statewhy,ascathinga­uditscotla­nd report on the fiasco states.

Ms Forbes told MSPS: “There were no concerns raised at the point of announcing the preferred bidder in August 2015, and that is why the preferred bidder was announced based on the advice of CMAL, FMEL clearlysco­ringthehig­hestscore overall. When concerns were raised, mitigation­s were put in place, that is all very well documented in the report.”

Ms Forbes also contradict­ed Mr Mccoll’s claim that he did not know of CMAL’S concerns around the contract, claiming that FMEL were “crystal clear” about the concerns raised.

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