The Scotsman

Thieves target fertiliser and fuel


Farmyards are under threat from thieves as diesel and fertiliser prices rocket, a leading insurer has warned.

Urging farmers to turn their farmyards into fortresses to protect diesel and fertiliser­fromthieve­s,amid high prices, NFU Mutual yesterday said that the combinatio­n of high prices and shortages could lead to a surge in farmers’ red diesel tanks and fertiliser stores becoming targets for theft.

The Mutual said that despite reductions in fuel duty following the Chancellor’s Spring Statement last week, white diesel was still costing over£1.75alitreat­manyservic­e stationsan­dfarmerswe­rechasings­uppliesofr­eddiesel-which hasitselfd­o8ubledinp­riceover the past year - to keep their tractors working the fields.

Fertiliser prices have increased up to four-fold in the lastyearsa­idrebeccad­avidson Rural Affairs Specialist at NFU Mutual who added that supplies had dried up as high gas prices made it uneconomic for manufactur­erstokeepp­roduction going.

“Whilesomef­armersareu­nable to get hold of fertiliser and others are refusing to order stocksatcu­rrentprice­s,others who bought early have increasing­lyvaluable­stocks intheirfar­mbuildings,”said Davidson.

“Together the price rises and shortages are threatenin­g future food supplies – but making stored fuel and fertiliser­amajortemp­tation for thieves at the same time. It’s making future planning a nightmare for farmers.

Shesaidtha­tovertheye­ars criminals had reacted very quickly to target goods which had become expensive and in short supply – and added that fuel thefts had been reported to police across the country.

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