The Scotsman




1 It's used to make gradual progress, on stream (8,5)

10 Go back to the French, and gives one the glad eye (5)

11 Told about some flat growth. It's common on the streets of London (5,4)

12 Did Peter run off with one in ecstasy? (9)

13 One role, at some stage, can lead to being cut off (5)

14 Fasten onto a pole to grow a tall marsh plant (7)

16 In the main, one team went to the coast (7)

18 It's wrong to look back to superinten­d other people's work (7)

20 Old run, etc, used to punish someone (7)

21 Speak out like an old artist to an empty theatre (5)

23 Gets one's attention in return on shares, initially (9)

25 Are innocent young people unaffected? (9)

26 Is in favour of using new gadget, initially, as a fork (5)

27 Was one setting the pace for a rating, in the main? (7,6)


2 Is left in the rank with a craftsman (5)

3 Go through various harbours with the right travel documents (9)

4 One man had to batter away to get cooped up (7)

5 If higher up, we're told, some start to use kitchen instrument­s (7)

6 Greek character serving in a voluntary force (5)

7 Ran into an artist about to be holding forth (9)

8 Police recruit, say, will find it is legally binding (4,4,5)

9 Understand that communicat­ion has been achieved (3,3,7)

15 Repeating that I have to get in, to do it all again (9)

17 Copy a harp used to accompany a religious writing (9)

19 Head off uprising over an issue, on paper (7)

20 Give thanks, at times, with some hesitation, and end up in shreds (7)

22 Made a false claim that brought things to a close (5)

24 For second time, old man had an opening (5)

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