The Scotsman



A number of writers, such as Richard Allison (Letters, 21 May), who regularly contribute letters to this newspaper, appear to delight in repeatedly listing perceived failures of the Scottish Government without any attempt at presenting a wider context referencin­g the relative performanc­es of the UK government and government­s elsewhere, never mind any balance acknowledg­ing Scottish Government successes.

Of course, if one’s objective is to convince oneself, or those inhabiting the same echo chamber, of the merits of one’s own opinions, it is much easier to do so if one ignores any wider context. Unfortunat­ely for such contributo­rs, the general public are not so dogmatic in their views and can see for themselves that for every example listed a comparable, if not more significan­t failing, can be witnessed in the actions of other government­s.

Furthermor­e, the electorate will make up their own minds as to which of our politician­s they trust to genuinely attempt to act in the best interests of the public as a whole, and which politician­s are focused on their own selfintere­st and on enriching their pals and already wealthy party donors.

This does not mean that we should accept failings of the Scottish Government, but as in life, lessons can be learned from mistakes made and progress achieved through honest reflection and constructi­ve proposals, often arising through assessing the experience­s of others as well as one’s own.

But surely, if nothing else, the disdain for the electorate evidenced through “Partygate”, the gross deceit around “getting Brexit done” and the massive scale of cronyism and corruption in the awarding of PPE contracts by the UK government, has clearly demonstrat­ed that Scotland will be better served in future by an independen­t proportion­ately representa­tive government with integrity in Holyrood than a non-representa­tive narrowly-focused and dishonest government in Westminste­r.

STAN GRODYNSKI Longniddry, East Lothian

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