The Scotsman

Teacher turnover numbers are alarming

What was once a vocation, effectivel­y a job for life, is no longer so, and we need to understand why


New figures today have revealed more than 1,200 new Scottish teachers quit the profession within five years since 2018.

Last year, 338 left the teaching register – meaning they are no longer able to teach in Scotland.

The reasons naturally will naturally be varied, but the numbers should ring an alarm bell for Education Secretary Jenny Gilruth.

After investing so much to join the teaching profession, to leave entirely so soon is extremely worrying. What was once a vocation, effectivel­y a job for life, is no longer so, and we need to understand the reasons why.

A glance at the headlines recently may provide some answers. Industrial unrest, violence increasing, falling standards and claims of a confusing curriculum have all been reported on in The Scotsman in recent weeks.

Then there is the issue with the number stuck on temporary contracts as cash-strapped local authoritie­s struggle to recruit permanent staff.

Lib Dem education spokesman Willie Rennie today says there needs to be a push for “properly resourced schools and education authoritie­s with a plan for getting Scottish education moving in the right direction”. And he is not wrong.

“With industrial disputes becoming a regular occurrence and reports of violence in classrooms, I can understand why teaching is not as attractive a career as it once was,” he says.

“Those who have completed their probation aren’t being offered stable contracts, with many turning to casual work or supply lists instead.

“Teachers who are just starting out on their careers are feeling demoralise­d, disillusio­ned and disincenti­vised.”

The problems in Scottish education are longstandi­ng and complex. However the solution can only begin in one place, and that is with the teachers entrusted to educate our children.

Good teachers who can inspire the next generation are worth their weight in gold. The tragedy of today’s statistics is that it seems many are never being given the chance to achieve that potential.

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