The Scotsman

UK should ‘absolutely’ be concerned over IS threat

- Alexander Brown

The UK should “absolutely” be concerned about the threat of so-called Islamic State (IS) after the Moscow terror attack, the Chancellor has claimed.

Jeremy Hunt said European countries must “remain vigilant” after 133 were killed in an assault that suggests the jihadist group still maintains the organising capacity for major atrocities.

Speaking to broadcaste­rs, he described the loss of civilian life as a “tragedy” but condemned the Kremlin after it appeared to seek to link Ukraine, which Russia invaded two years ago, to the attack.

He told Sky News’ Sunday Morning with Trevor Phillips: “We have very little confidence in anything the Russian government says. We know that they are creating a smokescree­n of propaganda to defend an utterly evil invasion of Ukraine.

“But that doesn’t mean it’s not a tragedy when innocent people lose their lives, but I take what the Russian government says with an enormous pinch of salt.”

Asked whether other European nations, including Britain, should be concerned by the threat of IS, Mr Hunt said: “Absolutely. We are very lucky in this country that we have incredibly impressive intelligen­ce agencies, who have been successful in stopping, in foiling a lot of terrorist threats.

“But we have to remain vigilant. And if it is Islamic State, they are utterly indiscrimi­nate in what they do. They’ re prepared to murder in the most horrific way.”

Labour Party chairwoman Anneliese Dodds agreed with the Chancellor, saying: “Wherever terrorism rears its ugly head, we have to utterly condemn it and offer our condolence­s to all of those impacted.

“It’s really important that this is investigat­ed properly and that those who genuinely were responsibl­e are actually brought to book.”

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