The Scotsman

Wind-swept Pope appeals for Gaza and Ukraine

- Nicole Winfield

Rallying from a winter-long bout of respirator­y problems, Pope Francis led some 30,000 people in Easter celebratio­ns yesterday, making a strong appeal for a ceasefire in Gaza and a prisoner swap between Russia and Ukraine.

Francis presided over Easter Sunday Mass in a flowerdeck­ed St Peter's Square and then delivered a heartfelt prayer for peace in his annual round-up of global crises delivered from the gallery overlookin­g the piazza.

In between, he made several loops around the piazza in his popemobile, greeting wellwisher­s.

"Peace is never made with weapons, but with outstretch­ed hands and open hearts," Francis said, to applause from the wind-swept crowd below.

Francis appeared in good form, despite having celebrated the two-and-a-half-hour evening Easter Vigil just hours before. The pontiff, who had part of one lung removed as a young man, has been battling respirator­y problems all winter.

The Vatican said 30,000 people attended the Mass on Sunday, with more packing the Via della Conciliazi­one boulevard leading to the piazza.

At the start of the service, a gust of wind knocked over a large religious icon on the altar just a few feet from the Pope. Ushers quickly hauled it back upright.

Easter Mass is one of the most important dates on the liturgical calendar, celebratin­g what the faithful believe was Jesus's resurrecti­on after his crucifixio­n. The Mass preceded the Pope's "Urbi et Orbi" - to the city and the world - blessing, in which he traditiona­lly offers a list of the threats afflicting humanity.

This year, Francis said his thoughts went particular­ly to people in Ukraine and Gaza and all those facing war, particular­ly the children who he said had "forgotten how to smile".

He said: "In calling for respect for the principles of internatio­nal law, I express my hope for a general exchange of all prisoners between Russia and Ukraine: all for the sake of all."

He called for the "prompt" release of prisoners taken from Israel on October 7, an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and for humanitari­an access to reach Palestinia­ns.

"Let us not allow the current hostilitie­s to continue to have grave repercussi­ons on the civil population, by now at the limit of its endurance, and above all on the children," he said in a speech that also touched on the plight of Haitians, the Rohingya and victims of human traffickin­g.

For the past few weeks, Francis has generally avoided delivering long speeches to avoid the strain on his breathing. He ditched his Palm Sunday homily last week and decided at the last minute to miss the Good Friday procession at the Colosseum.

The Vatican said in a brief explanatio­n that the decision was made to "conserve his health".

The decision clearly paid off, as Francis was able to recite the prayers of the lengthy Saturday night Easter Vigil service, including administer­ing the sacraments of baptism and First Communion to eight new Catholics.

 ?? ?? Pope Francis presides over Easter Sunday Mass in a windy, flower-decked St Peter's Square and delivers a heartfelt prayer for peace in his annual round-up of global crises
Pope Francis presides over Easter Sunday Mass in a windy, flower-decked St Peter's Square and delivers a heartfelt prayer for peace in his annual round-up of global crises

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