The Scotsman

If I can hack you then black hats can do it too

- William Wright

In the world of cyber, hackers take many different forms. There are black hats who use the web as their playground to commit crime, but there are also the white hats that hack organisati­ons for good. Ethical hackers hack to help organisati­ons improve the security of their systems.

In my job, I wear a white hat. I’m one of the good guys and also Scotland’s first ever chartered ethical hackers (Chartered Cyber Security Profession­al).

From my penetratio­n testing business in the Outer Hebrides, I run assessment­s on organisati­ons’ networks to help them identify weaknesses, so they can be secured, before criminals exploit them maliciousl­y.

Given my position on the cyber frontlines, what advice do I have for businesses to help secure their systems?

Weak passwords

Everyone knows the risks of using weak passwords, but they plague organisati­ons today.

A criminal only needs to compromise one valid password to access a corporate network, so when employees use easyto-guess passwords or the same password across multiple accounts, they can deliver big returns for criminals with very little effort.

To counter password problems, organisati­ons must adopt policies where employees are forced to use complex passwords that are at least 12 characters long and a mix of letters, numbers, symbols and capitals. Using Multifacto­r Authentica­tion also provides serious improvemen­ts to defences. Unpatched software

No piece of software is ever created perfectly, so patches to fix issues will always be released by product vendors. These must be applied quickly after release, because the longer unpatched bugs exist, the more time criminals have to exploit them.

Legacy equipment

Legacy equipment is hardware or software that is being used by an organisati­on long after its sell-by date. Because it’s old, it often means it no longer receives security updates, which leaves it ‘buggy’ and easy for criminals to target.

Not all legacy equipment can be updated easily, but organisati­ons should pull together plans around upgrading equipment. Until upgrades take place, it is essential to segregate old technology from sensitive areas of the network and layer it with cybersecur­ity tools to prevent unauthoris­ed access.

Do any of these issues impact your business? Fix them now, before it’s too late.

William Wright, CEO of Closed Door Security

 ?? ?? Weak passwords give hackers a way in
Weak passwords give hackers a way in

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