The Scotsman

Energy sector group calling for urgent progress on delayed Heat in Buildings Bill

- Ilona Amos Environmen­t Correspond­ent

new Heat in Buildings Bill must be urgently introduced to help the country back on track towards meeting its climate targets, a consortium of key players in the energy sector have urged.

In a joint letter co-ordinated bytheexist­inghomesal­liance (EHA) to secretary for energy and net zero Mairi Mcallan, housing organisati­ons, renewables manufactur­ers and installers, business groups and advisers are calling for the Heat in Buildings Bill, which has already been delayed, to be swiftly brought forward.

The demand comes following a recent report from government advisers, which found Scotland’sstatutory­2030goals, including an aim to slash emissions from heating buildings by 71 per cent, were “no longer credible”.

The 25 signatorie­s stress the need for accelerate­d action in light of the country’s “lagging progress” and say the legislatio­n, which would require properties to be upgraded with improved energy-efficiency and clean heating systems such as electric heat pumps, will be pivotal in achieving the necessary emissions cuts.

The letter states: “If Scotland’s reputation as a world leader on climate change is not to be diminished, it is now more important than ever that we see rapid progress on this Bill – not only to demonstrat­e that the country’s net zero ambiscotla­nd’s tions are more than just words, but also to give certainty to the businesses that will be central to making the transition happen.”

It also points out that delays in implementi­ng mandatory standards for zero-emissions heating and energy-efficiency measures have already impacted the ability for Scotland’s workforce to scale up operations, exacerbati­ng issues such as fuel poverty and stifling skills growth. EHA is a group of housing, environmen­tal, fuel poverty, consumer and industry organisati­ons campaignin­g for Scotland’s establishe­d housing stock to be improved and future-proofed.

“The switch to clean heat is already happening at pace in many parts of the world and it’s time Scotland got on board,” said Gillian Campbell, communicat­ions lead for the EHA. “Scotland – and the wider UK – is already lagging behind and to avoid costs of further delay the Scottish Government must publish this Bill as soon as possible.”

The letter added: “Businesses stand ready to contribute to the transition to net zero emissions, creating thousands of green jobs and making homes more energy-efficient and affordable to heat,” said Mark Wilkins, technologi­es and training director at heat pump and boiler manufactur­er Vaillant Group, one of the signatorie­s. “The Heat in Buildings Bill will provide the certainty to persuade heating installers to reskill, so they can meet the growing demand for clean heat.”

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