The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Poképedia: Glossary of game they’re all talking about


PokÉmon: Virtual creatures of different shapes and sizes that inhabit the land, sea and sky. The name is short for Pocket Monsters. They first appeared in the 1990s on Game Boy video games, and later emerged onscreen in an animated TV show.

PokÉmon Go: A smartphone game released in Britain earlier this month which has already smashed records for popularity and numbers of downloads. The ‘enhanced reality’ game uses phone technology to allow players to collect virtual Pokémon characters in real-life locations.

PokÉmon Gym: For those who take the game more seriously, this is where people go to battle their Pokémon. The virtual gyms are based in real-life locations – typically landmarks and monuments such as Edinburgh Castle – where gamers meet and send their Pokémon into combat.

PokÉstoP: A landmark where players can collect valuable items such as potions – a medicine that treats wounded Pokémon.

PokÉball: The most important item found at the Pokestop – a red and white ball thrown at a Pokémon by the swipe of a thumb to capture it.

Pikachu: The most famous Pokémon – a yellow creature that has become an icon of Japanese culture. Others include Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur.

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