The Scottish Mail on Sunday

‘My hidden camera failed to work – so I didn’t get paid’


MOST mystery shoppers do not get to visit their equivalent of the British Secret Service’s gadget man ‘Q’. Instead, they must rely on their local stationer to supply them with notepads and pens to write up their lengthy reports.

But a camera may be needed – the one on a smartphone is usually adequate – to provide proof that you actually mystery shopped.

It might also be a requiremen­t to use a dictaphone to ensure that any words shared between you and shop assistants are accurately reported. You will be required to purchase these detective tools – although you may be able to offset their cost against income for tax reasons.

Once home you will need access to a computer so you can write up the report and email it – often with photograph­s.

Occasional­ly, there are tasks that require the use of a hidden spy camera. For these it may be necessary to purchase a £300 bag with a secret lens installed.

Karen Brown, from Brighton, was given a plastic handbag complete with spy camera when she went undercover for a local mystery shopping firm a couple of years ago. Despite her best efforts she failed the mission and her secret agent career was cut short.

She says: ‘There was nothing cloak-and-dagger about the mystery shopping company – it was a friendly outfit and they lent me all the equipment.

‘But despite carefully telling me how to use the camera, it did not record and I was paid nothing despite all my hard work. That was enough for me to quit. In many ways it was a hilarious experience but it left me out of pocket.’

Karen said her mission was to mystery shop an Aga store – asking if they might cut her a special deal if she partexchan­ged an old oven.

Karen says: ‘The trouble was that the lens hidden in the bag kept slipping so nothing was recorded. I tried keeping it in place with Elastoplas­t but that did not work.

‘I then went off to Furniture Village and spent ages taking notes of their sales techniques – but the camera captured nothing. I was left out of pocket because I had to fill the car with petrol to do the work.’

 ??  ?? TRADECRAFT: Mystery shoppers will often film with a special camera
TRADECRAFT: Mystery shoppers will often film with a special camera

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