The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Why did my son’s nurse take over his account?


Ms P.H. writes: My adult son lives alone, but suffers with mental health issues. I was appointed to act for him in 2008 and his state benefits were paid into an account in my name, from which I paid his bills and allocated him £50 a week. Unknown to me, his community psychiatri­c nurse took over this task. I discovered this purely by chance. I have written to the Department for Work & Pensions and the local NHS mental health team, but without reply. IT WAS not easy to get a comment from your local NHS. I assured those in charge that I would report nothing that might identify you or your son. Eventually, I was told: ‘The decision to change the appointees­hip arrangemen­ts for Ms H’s son was made at a “best interest” meeting attended by Ms H and with her agreement.’

You have told me that this is ‘a complete fabricatio­n’ and that the decision to replace you as manager of your son’s money was made a week before the meeting even took place. I put this to the NHS. I asked for the minutes of the meeting and a copy of whatever document revoked your appointmen­t. The NHS offered no explanatio­n and no paperwork, which is disturbing.

The DWP was more helpful. Staff told me that a change was due in your son’s benefits. They say they tried to call you to discuss this, but were unable to speak to you. Because it was necessary for someone to represent your son, a local nurse was then appointed, but I was promised there would be no problem in reappointi­ng you. If the local NHS people obstruct this, let me know, but given their attitude so far, I can see this might end up in a legal fight.

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