The Scottish Mail on Sunday

The Garden Guru

Got a problem in your plot? Let our Garden Guru Martyn Cox help you out

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Q The lower leaves of my indoor yucca have turned brown. Why is this? Debbie Dickinson

A Yuccas hate overwateri­ng. They need a regular drink in spring and summer, but you should allow compost to dry out in between. In winter, water occasional­ly. Also, put the plant in the lightest spot possible.

Q I’ve been successful in overwinter­ing tender fuchsias in the past, but this year one of them produced lots of healthy growth over spring and summer but not a single flower. Should I just get rid of it? Gillian Wilkinson

A I would give it another chance. Cut it back by two-thirds, then place in a frost-free greenhouse. Keep the plant slightly damp, but don’t overwater. Increase watering in spring and place outdoors when there is no danger from frost. Feed with liquid tomato food every couple of weeks from April.

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