The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Hip hip hooray for Philip who stands tall just weeks after op


EVEN if his attendance wasn’t set in stone, it surprised no one when Prince Philip emerged from the Queen’s State Bentley yesterday.

Slowly pulling himself up straight, he gave his broadest smile and waved to the crowds – and they roared back, delighted.

It was one of the biggest cheers of the day, but then Philip, the longest-serving Royal consort in history, rarely seen these days since his retirement, is nothing if not a crowd-pleaser.

He might be 97 next month and still recovering from a hip operation, but neither age nor infirmity was going to hold back this old stager on his grandson’s big day.

The Duke gets on particular­ly well with Harry and by all accounts has taken quite a fancy to Meghan as well. Yesterday, in black morning coat, he walked the short distance into St George’s Chapel unaided, though onlookers noted that he seemed tired.

Beside him was the Queen, of course, wearing a flared dress in lime, lemon, purple and grey printed silk. More so than usual, she seemed solicitous, and at one stage appeared to steady him as they made their way to their cushioned seats.

Just before sitting down the Duke noticed the forbidding­ly whiskered features of Prince Michael of Kent. He nodded in his direction. To Philip, Michael, though 75, must seem a stripling: he was a page boy at Philip’s wedding to the Queen more than 70 years ago.

It was a reminder that this was an occasion when generation­s of the same family – spanning nearly a century in all – were gathered under one roof. Including his own, Philip has attended 15 royal weddings, four of them grandchild­ren’s.

If yesterday’s ceremony was notable for its modern twist, then it was fine by Philip. Few could be more dutiful and observant of tradition but at the same time admiring of

‘The Duke has taken quite a fancy to Meghan’

innovation. He once took his entire office to try chef Heston Blumenthal’s latest experiment­al menu.

Earlier, with Prince William engaged in best man duties, the Duchess of Cambridge arrived with her children George, four, and Charlotte, three.

Hers was the last royal wedding, but yesterday Kate, still on official maternity leave and wearing an Alexander McQueen primrose yellow silk tailored coat, took on a functional role, shepherdin­g her children, who were flower girl and page boy, down the aisle.

With her husband sitting next to the groom, the 36-year-old eventually took her seat alongside Prince Charles and Camilla, who were among the last to arrive. Shortly ahead of them were Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie.

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 ??  ?? TAKING IT IN HIS STRIDE: Philip arriving at St George’s Chapel yesterday
TAKING IT IN HIS STRIDE: Philip arriving at St George’s Chapel yesterday
 ??  ?? OLD GUARD: Philip keeps an eye on proceeding­s at the chapel alongside the Queen. Top: Seated behind family members including William and Charles
OLD GUARD: Philip keeps an eye on proceeding­s at the chapel alongside the Queen. Top: Seated behind family members including William and Charles

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