The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Deputy PM hints Tories will block bid for Indyref 2


THERESA May’s deputy has delivered the strongest signal yet that the UK Government is ready to block any fresh bid for a second referendum on independen­ce.

David Lidington said there is ‘no appetite’ in Scotland for a vote on separation and urged Nicola Sturgeon to focus on the ‘real priorities’ – health, education, tax and welfare.

The First Minister has said she will make a decision in the autumn, and be guided by public support for another referendum.

But speaking exclusivel­y to the Scottish Mail on Sunday, Mr Lidington, the de facto Deputy Prime Minister, said public opinion has not changed since Theresa May said ‘now is not the time’ last year, in response to Nicola Sturgeon’s demand for a new referendum.

The two government­s have now failed to reach a deal on the UK Government’s EU Withdrawal Bill, with MSPs refusing consent last week.

Ms Sturgeon could use this row to launch another separation bid.

But Mr Lidington, Minister for the Cabinet Office, made it clear that the UK Government’s view has not changed. He said: ‘It’s dangerous to predict too far, but our view is there is no appetite among people in Scotland for a referendum.

‘There’s an appetite for action on the NHS and schools, and that’s what the Scottish Government should be focusing on.’

He urged the SNP to respect the will of the Scottish people, after more than two million voted to stay in the UK in 2014. He also called on Ministers to focus on issues such as education, health, tax and welfare.

He said: ‘It’s for Scottish voters and MSPs, rather than me, to hold the Scottish Government to account on this. The real priorities ought to be things that make a real difference to the well-being and prosperity of ordinary families in Scotland. That’s health, welfare, schools.

‘Those are the things that need priority, not the search for another referendum.’

Mr Lidington also warned the SNP against underestim­ating the Prime Minister’s determinat­ion to safeguard the Union.

He said: ‘We remain, as a UK Government, very committed to the Union, and the Prime Minister feels very passionate about this.

‘All parts of the Union are stronger together and, at the moment, there is not evidence to suggest the views of the Scottish people have changed since the last referendum.’

However, the Scottish Government hit back, insisting Mr Lidington should be focused on Brexit rather than Scottish independen­ce.

A spokesman for SNP Brexit Minister Michael Russell said: ‘The only people trying to force constituti­onal change on the people of Scotland against their will are David Lidington’s Tory party, who are completely ignoring Scotland’s decisive vote to remain in Europe.

‘A range of public services in Scotland are performing better than those south of the Border, so Mr Lidington should spend more time reflecting on his own Government’s record before he tries to level accusation­s at others.’

‘All parts of the Union are stronger together’

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