The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Axe Lords and Royalty says Corbyn’s new peer


ONE of Jeremy Corbyn’s new peers was last night accused of ‘bare-faced hypocrisy’ after it was revealed she has demanded the abolition of the Lords.

Veteran Left-wing activist Pauline Bryan also called for the Monarchy and MI5 to be scrapped.

In the run-up to the 2015 Election Ms Bryan wrote that she wanted a ‘federal republic of Britain: abolish the Monarchy and the House of Lords’.

She backed demands in the Left-wing manifesto of The Socialist Campaign for a Labour Victory which also said: ‘Disband MI5 and special police squads, disarm the police.’

Last night, Tory MP Andrew Percy said: ‘It beggars belief that just two years since Ms Bryan called for the Lords to be consigned to the dustbin of political history, she is now scrambling to get in there.

‘Ditching her hard-Left principles in return for a peerage is just bare-faced hypocrisy.’

Ms Bryan was not available for comment last night but a Labour source dismissed the hypocrisy charge, saying she was committed to replacing the Lords with a democratic second chamber.

Ms Bryan was one of three new Labour members of the Lords named on Friday. Mr Corbyn also faced protests over giving a peerage to race equality campaigner Martha Osamor, mother of Labour MP Kate Osamor. Jewish groups branded the move a ‘two-fingered salute’ to their community as she had backed activists suspended from the party over alleged anti-Semitism.

 ??  ?? Under fire: Activist Pauline Bryan was accused of hypocrisy
Under fire: Activist Pauline Bryan was accused of hypocrisy

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