The Scottish Mail on Sunday

It’s working for me but I crave a sweet treat


THE only thing I am struggling with on your New 5:2 is the lack of sweet treats allowed. I have a sweet tooth and hate the taste of dark chocolate (which you do allow). Is there anything you can recommend to try for both fast days and other days? I ALSO have a sweet tooth and struggle with sugary cravings. My wife Clare, who is a GP and provides many of the recipes for my books, is very good at creating desserts and cakes that rely on naturally sugary ingredient­s such as dates and coconut to provide sweetness. You may also try using stevia, a very low-calorie sweetener that comes from plants. Lots of recipes use it. YOU say everyone should be spending time outside to get a fill of Vitamin D to help them sleep – in particular in the morning light. I have arthritis and can’t walk far, so I sit at the window where I feel the sunshine on me. Does this deliver the Vitamin D I need? ALTHOUGH going into sunlight will boost Vitamin D levels, there are benefits to early morning light beyond Vitamin D. Morning light activates receptors in the eyes (nothing to do with vision) and helps reset the internal or biological clock in the brain. This drives other internal clocks which do a range of things, including telling the body when to release hormones, when to eat and when to sleep. But if you can’t get outside, then going near the window is indeed the next best thing for resetting the clock.

I took part in a study once where we compared light levels near a window with those a couple of feet into the room – and they were dramatical­ly lower. However, you really do need to get outside as glass blocks the ultraviole­t B light that skin needs to make Vitamin D. If you can’t go out, I suggest Vitamin D tablets and more oily fish – also good for arthritis.

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