The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Solving pension’s like pulling teeth


PREVENTION is better than cure – and certainly less expensive. I thought about this truism as I stood at the dentist’s reception desk last week staring at a bill for several hundred pounds for planned root canal work (ouch).

As I was wondering whether I might have prevented this painful and costly outcome by looking after my teeth better, an advert from the Financial Conduct Authority sounded out from the dentist’s radio. It featured a builder who had saved in to a pension for 40 years. But the unwitting ‘Ali’ lost the lot to a fraudulent firm offering a ‘free pension review’. The ad tails off with the scammer in a bar greedily demanding ‘another bottle of champagne’.

The ad is one of a series appearing on the radio, television and posters warning us to be on our guard against fraudsters who call out of the blue to steal our pension savings and spend it on their own lavish lifestyle. The theme is certainly one of prevention – teaching us how to stop crooks getting hold of our hardearned pension pot.

Since pension freedom rules emerged three years ago, our retirement pots have become easier pickings for fraudsters. Recent figures show victims lost on average £91,000 in pension scams last year by falling for the convincing sales patter of firms promising fantastic returns.

Frightenin­g people is one way to wake them up to the risks. But it must not be left just to the individual. The Government needs to do more. Giving pension companies more power to stop fraudulent transfers would help.

Some pension firms are better than others when it comes to dealing with suspicious transfer requests. Standard Life, for one, looks out for any transfers to highrisk investment­s promising impossibly high returns and then quickly warns customers of the dangers. It says it has saved hundreds of people from taking a step that could have decimated their pots. Two years ago, Pension Ministers promised a cold-call ban, but this has not yet materialis­ed. Just get on with it. The fraud figures show savers do not have the luxury of waiting any longer. IF DENTAL work was not enough pain for one week, I then discover that the bank I have been with for more than 25 years – Royal Bank of Scotland – has been voted the worst in the UK for service (in joint place with Clydesdale). RBS, which is 62 per cent owned by the taxpayer after being rescued during the financial crisis, has been embroiled in various scandals, including the appalling mistreatme­nt of thousands of small business customers.

In a statement (or rather understate­ment), the bank said last week: ‘We are aware we have more work to do in order to improve our service standards.’

Seemingly this does not mean giving customers a better high street experience – 162 RBS branches are set to close by the end of the year. HIRING a car always fills me with dread and my arrival at the rental desk on a recent trip to the US East Coast was no exception. My husband and I are well practised at resisting the hard sell of extras – not least the purchase of the hire company’s own expensive excess insurance. We politely refused everything and assured the saleswoman we had a standalone excess policy. She appeared to accept what we said and accompanie­d us to the car. But as we reached for the door handle she made one last attempt to get us to change our minds. ‘You do know these policies are well known for not paying out in the US? Are you sure you don’t want our cover?’ Although alarmed by her words, we stood our ground.

Back in the UK, I asked experts about the validity of her statement. Questor, our insurer, said its figures do not bear out the saleswoman’s assertion. Recent declined claims for US rentals were only 2 per cent higher than for the UK and 3 per cent lower than some European countries.

Zest Car Rental says it is simply a sales tactic. Boss Rory Sexton also warns drivers to check what they are signing for. He has seen cases where the rental firm has added insurance without disclosing it to customers and then quickly asked them to sign.

If the rental company has your signature as proof it is almost impossible to get your money back. Make sure you check the contract before signing – and ensure there are no unwanted extras.

Two years ago, Pension Ministers promised a ban on cold-calls, but it hasn’t happened


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