The Sentinel

The veg of glory




1 large sweet onion, unpeeled 2 red peppers 1 yellow pepper 1 aubergine 5 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 garlic clove, chopped

1 tbsp chopped flat-leaf parsley

Salt and freshly ground black pepper


1. Heat the oven to 220°C. Wrap the onion in foil and put it in a medium baking tray surrounded by the other whole vegetables.

2. Sprinkle the vegetables with two tablespoon­s of the olive oil and season generously with salt, then roast for one hour in the upper part of the oven or until the pepper and aubergine skins are charred and loosened.

3. Using kitchen tongs transfer the vegetables to a plastic bag to sweat and cool – taking care not to lose the cooking juices, as these will form part of the dressing later.

4. When they are cool enough to handle, take the vegetables out of the bag. Remove the loosened skins and seeds from the peppers and the skin of the aubergine – again taking care to keep the natural juices.

5. Chop the skinned peppers and aubergine lengthways into neat slices and place side by side on a serving dish.

6. Unwrap the onion from the foil and cut it in half. Chop each half into neat slices and lay them next to the peppers and aubergine.

7. Pour the juices from the bag into a mixing bowl and add the balsamic vinegar and remaining olive oil. Wisk together into a dressing and pour it over the vegetables. Stir in the garlic and parsley and… gaudeix – that’s Catalan for enjoy!

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