The Sentinel



A CLASS of primary pupils has been told to stay at home after one of the children contracted coronaviru­s.

The Year 3 pupil at Sandford Hill Primary has been off school since last Friday and has since tested positive for Covid-19.

Now children in their ‘bubble’ will also have to self-isolate at home until September 25. That date marks 14 days since the infected youngster was last in class.

Headteache­r David Wardle informed families in a letter. He said: “We have been notified that there has been a confirmed case of Covid-19 within our Year 3 bubble.

“We know that you may find this concerning, but we are continuing to monitor the situation and are working closely with Public Health England and the local authority.

“This letter is to inform you of the current situation and provide advice on how to support your child. Please be reassured that, for most people, coronaviru­s will be a mild illness.”

All other classes are being urged to continue to attend school unless they feel unwell and develop coronaviru­s-like symptoms.”

It comes as Ormiston Horizon Academy in Chell sent several pupils home to self-isolate after one of them was diagnosed with coronaviru­s.

The Year 7 pupil had started coming down with cold-like symptoms earlier this week and was sent home. They have since tested positive for Covid-19 and their family informed the school yesterday. Principal Andy Fitzgibbon said: “A number of students identified as close contacts are now selfisolat­ing at home as a precaution­ary measure.”

The school was able to take swift action to identify close contacts using a class seating plan.

More than half-a-dozen city schools have now reported at least one confirmed case of Covid-19.

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