The Sentinel


Teenager accused of murdering man denies intent to stab

- Sentinel Reporter newsdesk@thesentine­

A TEENAGER has told a jury he did not intend to use a knife on the man he is accused of murdering.

The 17-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is charged with murdering 23-year-old Matthew Dale in Lightwood Road, Longton, in the early hours of October 5.

He denies murder, an alternativ­e charge of manslaught­er, and possession of an offensive weapon.

During his trial at Stafford Crown Court, the jury has been told Matthew, known as Matty, was delivering a £20 cannabis deal to the defendant, who was then aged 16.

But, the court has heard, after the deal was handed over, the youth refused to pay. He and Matty had a fight and it is alleged the teenager pulled out a knife and stabbed Matty in the back. He died on the way to the Royal Stoke University Hospital.

But giving his evidence today, the teenager told the jury Matty produced the knife.

He said before October 4 he had never had a physical fight with Matty, but had argued with him in messages.

He said he owed money to Matty’s

brother, Ryan, but had been told not to bother about it.

He added: “Matty started ignoring me about a week or so before this incident. Sometimes, he would answer and be all right and sometimes he would have a go at me.”

He maintained he and Matty arranged to have a fight, but it did not happen.

The teenager said he thought about getting some cannabis at about 11pm on October 4. He had no cash, but he had his sister’s Post Office card and hoped to get £20 from the cash machine to buy the cannabis.

He asked Ryan for an eighth and he said he would send Matty up to him. He went to the Post Office, but was unable to withdraw any cash.

He met up with Matty and another man and he asked Matty if he could see the drugs. Matty handed him the cannabis, but the defendant had no money. Ryan was contacted and the defendant was told if he was not going to pay he (Matty) would have the drugs back.

The defendant said: “Matty grabbed the bag out of my hand. He had two hands on my clothes. It happened really fast. I tried to push him off. He let go after a few seconds.

“I ran through a bus stop. He came at me. He lunged at me. He had a knife. I was scared. He was holding it in his right hand. He just came at me. He tripped over his own legs and dropped the knife. It skidded.

“I picked up the knife. I was not thinking, I was panicking, I was scared. I saw the blood. I was waving the knife to try and keep him away.”

His barrister, Ahmed Hossain QC, asked: “Were you intending to use the knife?” The defendant replied: “No.”

“The knife came into contact with Matty. What thought went through your head?,” added Mr Hossain.

The teenager said: “I was shocked and scared.” Asked if he intended to do it, the defendant replied ‘no’.

“Did you bring a knife with you that evening?,” said Mr Hossain. The defendant responded: “No”.

He said, at first, Matty did not realise he had been stabbed and neither of them said anything.

The defendant said: “When he realised what happened, I ran. When I saw the blood, it didn’t seem real. I was shocked. My hand opened and dropped (the knife). I ran.

He added that when he ran, Matty was on his feet.

Mr Hossain said: “We know there have been previous occasions when you had a knife?” “Yes,” replied the defendant.

Mr Hossain QC: “Did you take the knife in the evening?”

The defendant said: “No. I have never had a knife ever since I got caught.” When asked if at any point he intended to stab Matty, he also replied no.

The case continues.

 ??  ?? STABBED: Matthew Dale.
STABBED: Matthew Dale.

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