The Sentinel


Pervert performed sex act in front of cyclist

- Sentinel Reporter

PERVERT Paul Lovatt exposed himself to a female cyclist as she rode home from work.

Lovatt was driving a car when he pulled alongside the victim, with the passenger side window down, and performed a sex act while asking her for directions.

Horrified, she shouted at him and – as he drove away – she called the police.

Magistrate­s at North Staffordsh­ire Justice Centre heard Lovatt then returned to the scene and tried to apologise to the woman.

The 40-year-old has now been handed a community order and placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register for the next five years after he admitted the ‘disturbing offence’.

Prosecutor Emma Thompson said: “At around 5.20pm the victim was cycling home from work. While in Hanley she became aware of a vehicle behind her.

“She got off her bike to get out of his way. As she did so he pulled alongside her. The front passenger side window was down.

“He said, ‘Excuse me love, can you tell me where’ – then he hesitated – ‘King Street is?’ She noticed his penis was exposed.”

The court heard Lovatt was performing a sex act, then drove away when the victim shouted, ‘Oh my God, you are a disgusting pervert.’

Ms Thompson said: “The victim had her phone out to call the police. She was chanting his registrati­on number so she didn’t forget.

“She then saw his vehicle come back and saw the defendant again. He said, ‘I’m sorry love, sorry about that’.

“He kept saying it then drove away. The defendant has not been in trouble for 20 years. Neverthele­ss, this is a disturbing offence.”

Lovatt was later arrested and interviewe­d. He said he had found the victim attractive and he had done ‘a stupid thing’.

The victim said in a statement: “This incident has made me feel angry. I feel violated. I was just trying to go home. I then have a disgusting person showing me their genitals.

“I’m concerned he would do it to someone else, someone who was not as vocal as me.”

Lovatt, of Richard Dawson Drive, Bucknall, pleaded guilty to indecent exposure. The incident happened on August 26.

Peter Howland, mitigating, said: “There were some difficulti­es in his then-relationsh­ip. He had been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. He is receiving medication and counsellin­g for that.

“He apologised straight away to his victim. He accepts he returned to speak to her, but his sole reason was to apologise.

“He has given up his part-time employment because of this offence.”

Magistrate­s told Lovatt they considered sending him to prison, but had decided to impose a community sentence.

Chairperso­n of the bench, Helen Paterson, said: “This was clearly a serious matter. You were remorseful, at the time and afterwards, although your remorse at the time may have caused more distress.”

Lovatt was handed a 24-month community order with a 56-day rehabilita­tion activity requiremen­t and 200 hours’ unpaid work.

He must pay £400 compensati­on to the victim, plus £280 in court costs and charges.

 ?? ?? EXPOSURE: Paul Lovatt.
EXPOSURE: Paul Lovatt.

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