The Sentinel


Ex-partner tells of ‘emotional torment’

- Sentinel Reporter

DAD Michael Broad breached a restrainin­g order by contacting his former partner.

The 41-year-old was made the subject of a 12-month restrainin­g order at North Staffordsh­ire Justice Centre on December 15, which prevented him having any contact with his ex.

But the same court this week heard he used an alias to create an account on Facebook and contact his former partner.

Prosecutor Karen Wright said: “Despite the conditions of the orders, the defendant continued to make further unwanted contact.

“He admitted making a number of calls. He said she had blocked him on social media.

“He admitted sending inappropri­ate messages. He did not think it was acceptable. He expressed remorse in his interview.”

In a victim statement, the woman said she has considered ending her life.

She said: “I feel like I am under his control. I am striving to lead a normal life.

“I have considered ending my life on multiple occasions just to end the emotional torment from him.

“He is still finding ways to continue with mind games and control.”

Broad, of West Street, Newcastle, pleaded guilty to breaching a restrainin­g order.

Zoe Leese, mitigating, said: “He accepts some of the reason the relationsh­ip broke down is the result of his behaviour.

“He knows his behaviour is completely unacceptab­le and the negative impact his behaviour has had on his ex-partner.”

Magistrate­s sentenced Broad to a 12-month community order with 40 hours of unpaid work.

He was ordered to pay £185 costs and a £95 surcharge.

And they extended the restrainin­g order by 12 months.

 ?? ?? MESSAGES: Michael Broad.
MESSAGES: Michael Broad.

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