The Sentinel


School cleaner, 73, went to victim’s aid after driver left him for dead in street

- Rob Andrews

SEVEN police cars were called to a busy main road after a hit-andrun driver left a pedestrian for dead.

The victim – who has not been named – was taken to hospital with ‘potentiall­y serious’ injuries after he was mown down in Hanley Road, in Smallthorn­e.

The driver fled and was last seen heading towards Smallthorn­e roundabout­s. People living nearby are stunned.

Grandfathe­r Jeffrey Johnson went to the man’s aid after seeing him run down from was outside Smallthorn­e Victory Working Men’s Club.

Mr Johnson, aged 73, of Sneyd Green, said: I saw him go up in the air and land in the road. He was lying on his right hand side. Me and another woman called Kath ran straight across.

“He was lying there screaming and shouting for his partner. Then all of a sudden he went limp. It looked bad. Kath put her fingers on his neck to check he had a pulse and he did.

“Then we could see all blood coming out of his mouth. He was out for the count and then all of a sudden again he moved his arm.

“His partner was crying and phoning for an ambulance and I stood with her then another woman pulled up to help.

“The paramedics put a mask on his face and he said he had lost some teeth, his hand was covered in blood when I got there.”

School cleaner Mr Johnson said he told the police what he had seen, and was unable to sleep after witnessing the collision.

“I feel sorry for him, the car just went after hit him,” he said. “It happened that quick.

“I hope he’s okay. I’d like to know if he is all right. I hope they catch the driver responsibl­e.”

The alarm was raised at about 10pm on Saturday. A Staffordsh­ire Police spokesman said: “Police were called to reports of a non-stop collision involving a car and a pedestrian. The pedestrian received a broken leg and was taken to hospital by ambulance.

“The driver of the small darkcolour­ed car is reported to have left the scene and driven towards Smallthorn­e roundabout­s. Our inquiries are ongoing.”

West Midlands Ambulance Service dispatched an ambulance, a paramedic officer and an emergency medic.

An ambulance service spokesman said: “Crews arrived to find a pedestrian who had reportedly been involved in a collision with a car. The pedestrian – a man – sustained potentiall­y serious injuries and was given treatment at the scene before being conveyed to the Royal Stoke for further treatment.”

Anyone with any informatio­n about the hit-and-run driver, or their vehicle, should call the police on 101, quoting incident 854 of December 4 or call Crimestopp­ers on 0800 555111.

 ?? ?? SCENE: Hanley Road in Smallthorn­e.
SCENE: Hanley Road in Smallthorn­e.

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