The Sentinel


Dad, 35 spared prison

- Sentinel Reporter

DAD Karl Mccue broke a man’s jaw in an unprovoked late-night city centre attack.

The 35-year-kicked out at his victim after the man had gone to help a colleague who had been assaulted.

Stoke-on-trent Crown Court heard the man lost his balance and ended up sitting in the street. As Mccue walked past he landed a single ‘heavyweigh­t punch’ to his face, leaving him with a broken jaw.

Now Mccue – who has 37 previous offences for 68 offences – has been sentenced to 15 months in prison, suspended for two years. Prosecutor Rachel Pennington said the victim was out in Hanley with his boss on the evening of May 26, 2021.

Miss Pennington said: “He had drunk four or five pints but says he was not drunk. At 11.30pm they left the pub to get something to eat. They saw two men come away from The Auctioneer­s. They thought it was safe to walk past. His colleague was punched in the head. That man stamped on the victim’s friend’s head.

“The victim went over to help his friend. He felt a huge blow to the right side of his face. It caused him to fall to the floor.

“His glasses were broken during the assault. He got up and sat in a doorway out of the way.”

The man, from Blackpool, went to the

Royal Stoke University Hospital but discharged himself. He attended Blackpool Victoria Hospital the next day where it was confirmed his jaw was broken in two places. He underwent an operation at the Royal Preston Hospital.

In a victim statement the man said he had a plate put in his mouth with four screws and had to have his jaws wired shut. His food had to be blended and he can no longer eat tough food such as steak. He still feels pain in his jaw and he no longer wants to go out.

Mccue, of Stanfield Road, Burslem, pleaded guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm.

Stuart Muldoon, mitigating, said Mccue is the primary carer for his mum and also has a son. He no longer drinks to excess.

As part of the suspended sentence Mccue must complete a rehabilita­tion activity requiremen­t for 20 days.

Judge Sally Hancox said: “The victim will never forget his coming together with you on the streets of Stokeon-trent that evening. You behaved in the most appalling and unprovoked way.

“It is unacceptab­le to behave the way you chose to. It was an impulsive and spontaneou­s attack. You are genuinely remorseful. You want to put behaviour like this behind you. You are starting to look forward in a positive way.”

Mccue was ordered to pay his victim £700 compensati­on.

 ?? ?? IN COURT: Mccue pictured in 2018.
IN COURT: Mccue pictured in 2018.

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