The Sentinel



ARIES March 21–April 20

There are some exciting possibilit­ies in store and that’s why the sooner you clear up loose-ends of the past, the happier you will feel going forward. Discussing ideas will offer you some real hope that some can and will be implemente­d with success. Keep the faith.

TAURUS April 21-May 21

You will enjoy time spent with an old friend or close relative but you won’t want to spend all the day in the one place. There will be pleasure too from visiting places you don’t often get to and circulatin­g among your friends. Remember it’s good to put in some effort with others.

GEMINI May 22-June 21

Retrace your steps if a problem has occurred. You might be tempted to ignore an error or mistake but to do so will mean having to go back to this in the future. You can’t go forward until this matter has been fixed and you need to make sure it won’t ever happen again.

CANCER June 22-July 23

People you live with need to be reminded that certain jobs about the house still need doing. They seem to think if they leave it long enough you will do it for them but you’re tired of being expected to do their share of the work. Stand up for yourself and set down new rules and routines.

LEO July 24-Aug 23

One senior person will say one thing, while another will make some very different comments. You’re wanting to escape the atmosphere of the workplace, which is becoming increasing­ly competitiv­e. A budget meant for a particular section will be diverted elsewhere.

VIRGO Aug 24-Sept 23

You’ve had a lot of responsibi­lity lately and in some matters you feel you have been misled. When you had been promised there would be help at hand, there has been none available at all. Plan something sociable for this evening. You deserve a break.

LIBRA Sept 24–Oct 23

You aren’t your normal self and that’s because you are picking up on some tension that’s around you. There is disappoint­ment that changes that were promised would happen, still haven’t. There needs to be a proper inquiry into this matter because nothing has changed or will at this rate.

SCORPIO Oct 24-Nov 22

After some tension, a family disagreeme­nt will be settled harmonious­ly. A loved one will offer you an olive branch and you will be glad to clear up misunderst­andings. Romantic experience­s during this phase of your life will be remembered for a long time.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23-Dec 21

You wonder whether a new friend or partner is being truthful with you. They are giving the impression they are being honest but there is something about them that makes you suspect they have got something to hide. For this reason, be wary about how far you can trust them.

CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 20

It will be children, animals or a youngster’s education that is the focus of family discussion­s. You have an important decision to make. Although you don’t want to rush into anything, you only have a certain amount of time to make up your mind now. Put some thought into this matter urgently.

AQUARIUS Jan 21-Feb 19

New people are coming into your community. You will meet someone who shares your ideas and outlook and you will make firm arrangemen­ts to see each other again. Don’t be surprised if you are invited to join friends on a group holiday or day’s trip. You could do with a change of scenery.

PISCES Feb 20-Mar 20

You have been secretive of late and you won’t argue when someone accuses you of keeping some things to yourself. You need to do this in order to get everything clear in your mind. Now you have made a decision, you will let your family and friends know what you are up to.

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