The Sentinel



KEEPER Connor Ripley reckons Port Vale need to forget dwelling on the past and focus on the future to get out of a “sticky situation”. The Valiants No 1 also admitted it’s been a “weird two weeks” at Vale Park, but he is more than happy Darren Moore has taken over the manager’s job.

Ripley has been one of Vale’s standout players and will be needed today as Vale take on Cheltenham Town on the road, who are managed by former Valiants chief Darrell Clarke.

It’s a huge game and Ripley is happy to have some stability around the place: “It’s been a bit of a weird two weeks,” he said. “We finally got Darren Moore, who has been great.

“He has told us how he wants us to play. He has given us those instructio­ns. Even though it’s been a short time with him, we are ready.”

Asked whether it’s a case of resetting, he said: “Not really for me personally. As a goalkeeper, for me it’s just about keeping the ball out of the back of the net.

“But he has imposed his views on us and how he wants us to play and we have to buy into it, and if that’s how he wants it that’s how he wants it.

“I’m optimistic about it. I’m happy we have got a manager like him. I think the boys are excited as well.” Getting away from trouble in the League One drop zone is critical, and he added: “We’ve got ourselves into a bit of a sticky position. The only problem is we can’t dwell on the past. We have got to really focus for the future and focus on the points ahead. “We’ve got a six-pointer against Cheltenham. We know the position we’re in and where they are at. We know it’s going to be an interestin­g game.

“I enjoy every game so the pressure doesn’t really affect me.”

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